Andragoški center Slovenije


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22. 1. 2018

Main Results of the BeLL- Project : Research Report

The BeLL-project (2011-2014, was funded by the European Commission as a part of the EU funding stream “Studies and Comparative Research (KA 1)”. The following organizations and persons are part of the BeLL research team and have contributed to the research: Dr. Marion Fleige & Dr. Bettina Thöne-Geyer (German Institute for Adult Education DIE, Germany, project coordinator), Prof. Dr. Jyri Manninen, Dr. Matti Meriläinen & BA Anina Kornilow (University of Eastern Finland UEF, Finland), Prof. Dr. Monika Kil (Danube University Krems, Austria), Dr. David Mallows & Dr. Samantha Duncan (University of London, Institute of Education IOE, United Kingdom), Dr. Javier Diez (University of Barcelona, CREA Research Centre, Spain), Dr. Petra Javrh, MSc Ester Možina & Dr. Natalija Vrečer (Slovenian Institute for Adult Education SIAE, Slovenia), Dr. Hana Danihelková (Association for Education and Development of Women ATHENA, Czech Republic), MA Irena Sgier & MA Christine Hary (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Simona Sava (Romanian Institute for Adult Education IREA, Romania), Prof. Dr. Katarina Popovic, Dubravka Mihajlovic & Edisa Kecap (Adult Education Society AES, Serbia, associate partner), Paola Zappaterra (Associazione di donne Orlando AddO, Italy) and for the dissemination of the results Dr. Gina Ebner & MSc Francesca Operti (European Association for the Education of Adults EAEA, Belgium)

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