Andragoški center Slovenije


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ReachOut (2022–2024)

ReachOut Project and co-funder logos.


ProjectReach Out to the “Left-Behind” – improving guidance for working persons from the underprivileged milieu
PROJECT WEBPAGE-international
Time periodMarch 2022 – February 2024
ProgrammeErasmus+, KA2
PartnersÖSB Social Innovation gemeinnützige GmbH (Vienna, Austria) – coordinator
Bbb Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung R. Germany, Klein & Partner GbR (Dortmund, Germany)
Vyzkumny ustav prace a socialnich veci (Praha, Czech Republic)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
ContactsMag. Tanja Vilič Klenovšek
T: +386 1 5842 584



ReachOut aims to increase demand and take-up of adult education through effective outreach, guidance, and motivation strategies. 


​The main goals of the ReachOut project arte:

  • to improve approaches to guidance in adult education in a way that enables employees from underprivileged milieu to be included in education and training (“to leave no one behind”) and
  • to prepare a strategic document with recommendations for decision-makers on national policy levels in the project partner countries on reaching those employees from underprivileged milieu.

​‘Western societies’ are drifting apart. Along the increase of inequality, the sphere of underprivileged milieus is growing. Many drivers such as digitalisation (e-literacy, information literacy…), polarisation of the labour market (increase of working poor, new forms of precarious work…) and immigration are pushing this development.

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Education is a key strategy to address growing inequality. However, education, being an important distinction mechanism in modern societies, is less open to all than often proclaimed. Especially among the lower underprivileged milieu – the ‘left behind’ – there are still major barriers to education and further training. Therefore:

The project focusses on the needs of working persons from the prime working age with less stable forms of gainful work (e.g. fragmented, precarious, low paid, marginal, partly declared) and a certain distance to formal education and guidance and some of which have migration background.

ReachOut raises the question of the ‘connectivity’ of educational guidance to the clients and asks how habitus sensitivity can be supported in offers of guidance.

The project addresses guidance practitioners and their organisations.

​Read about the project in onepager (in Slovenian).


​The following activities will be implemented during the project period and beyond:

  • Extensive desk research at national and European level on the topic at hand.
  • Presentation of progress during Mutual Learning Seminars of all partners at the Transnational Partner Meetings.
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  • Interviews with stakeholders, 3-5 interviews per partner.
  • Interviews with guidance practitioners, 12 interviews per country.
  • Presentation and discussion of results at Multiplier Events in Austria, Germany, Slovenia and Czech Republic. Each event will have about 30 participants.
  • Presentations at numerous conferences, workshops, seminars for different target groups.

​The ReachOut project publishes three project outputs for the use of guidance practitioners and other stakeholders:

© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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