Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


SkillHUBS (2018–2020)



ProjectTransnational prison up-skilling and training model – SkillHUBS
Time period1 January 2018 – 30 June 2020
ProgrammeErasmus+, KA3
PartnersCentre for Education and Culture Trebnje – CIK Trebnje (coordinator)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education – SIAE, European Association for the Education of Adults – EAEA (Belgium), International Corrections and Prison Association (The Netherlands), University of Malta (Malta), Learning and Work Institute (Great Britain), Baia Mara Penitentiary (Romania)
ContactEstera Možina, MSc
T: +386 1 584 2591




The adult education profession in Slovenia, including the SIAE, does not systematically work on education of prisoners. Educational needs and characteristics of prisoners are largely unresearched; there is no theoretical of expert groundwork for education and training of people in prisons. Only the guidance part of the Guidance and orientation centres is somewhat focused on the field of prisoner education.

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This means that adult education organisations are left to their own devices when it comes to adaptation of existing programmes and approaches to prisoners.

The aim of this project is to attempt to develop a comprehensive model for identification of educational needs and development of basic competences of people in prisons that will help them re-integrate into society after the end of their prison sentence.


  • Development of professional knowledge and competences of counsellors / mentors for assessment, evaluation and development of basic skill in prisoners.
  • Education and training of prisoners in basic and transferable skills related to their current or future vocational development using an innovative and transferable model.
  • Preparation of recommendations for implementation of the mode into the national educational systems.



As part of the project, we want to develop models of innovative approaches to assessment, evaluation and recognition of knowledge and to development or re-qualification of prisoners whose specific needs require different approaches. An essential part of this approach is development of a comprehensive individualised methodology for recording educational achievements of prisoners that will include educational goals, learning content, recording of developed skills, mentors notes on progress, etc.

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The prisoners will be able to attach the record of achievement to their personal portfolio, such as the European Skills Passport or the Nefix portfolio. The project will focus on basic competences in language, mathematics and digital skills and on transferable skills in problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. The model will be tested in practice on a selected number of prisoners, whose achievements within the project will be evaluated separately.



The expected results of the project are new models of innovative approaches to assessment, evaluation, recognition of knowledge and development or re-qualification of prisoners.

© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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