Survey of Adult skills PIAAC 2013–2015
Project | Survey of Adult skills PIAAC 2013 – 2015 (Measuring the effectiveness of the system of education and training for the development of competences of adult educators) |
Time period | January 2013 – June 2015 |
Project value | 1.339.000,00. EUR |
Financed by | European Social Fund (85 %) in Ministry of Educatin, Science and Sport (15 %) |
Contact | Estera Možina, MSc T: +386 1 584 2591 E: ester.mozina@acs.si |
Contract caretaker | Borut Čampelj, MSc, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport |
Slovenia decided to participate in the second circle of the PIAAC survey because we wanted to learn more about adult competences necessary for the modern job market and active participation in modern society.
- To identify the distribution, development and decline of competences in the population (16–64) and international comparison of the results;
- To learn about the quality of knowledge and competences acquired within the educational system;
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- To identify the influence of different competence levels on social and economic results of the individual, company and country;
- To identify the influence of workplace, family and lifestyle on use, development or decline of competences;
- To prepare groundwork for policy planning: from the perspective of inclusion into lifelong learning, from the perspective of workplace requirements, from the perspective of elimination of inconsistency between educational policy and job market policy, from the perspective of better cohesion of active employment policy and cohesion of regional development and rural development with educational policy;
- Identification of influences on international ranking of Slovenia based on development of competences in the population;
- Identification of changes in literacy achievements and socio-cultural changes of participation of adults in education.
As in other OECD countries, in Slovenia higher level of literacy and mathematical skills correlates with higher probability that the individual is actively working and has a higher salary as well as with statistically significant non-economic influences such as higher trust in others and society at large, better political effectiveness, increased readiness to volunteer and significantly better self-assessment of health. The survey confirmed large differences in skills related to age, education and social background. Good level of literacy and mathematical skills was statistically positively related with inclusion into the work force and salary level.
Preberi več
V raziskavi PIAAC se s primerljivimi nalogami neposredno meri razvitost spretnosti in kompetenc. Pri tem se želi izvedeti čim več o tem, katere dejavnosti, povezane z branjem, razumevanjem in pisanjem sporočil, uporabo računalnika in drugih sodobnih pripomočkov, odrasli opravljajo v vsakdanjem življenju in kako uspešni so pri tem. Raziskava naj bi torej pokazala, »na kakšni ravni spretnosti in kompetenc ter znanja smo« in »koliko teh sposobnosti izkoristijo delodajalci« ali »kako bi lahko te sposobnosti in zmožnosti prebivalstva še razvijali« pa tudi, »kakšen je uspeh izobraževalnega sistema« v primerjavi s potrebami trga dela.
Raziskava PIAAC v Sloveniji je bila le en del projekta, drugi del v Sloveniji pa obsega študije in analitično aplikativne rezultate, na primer priporočila za načrtovalce politik, nove modele. Za Slovenijo je torej projekt nacionalnega pomena, rezultati raziskave PIAAC pa pomembni za načrtovanje prihodnjih politik na različnih področjih.
Projekt je razdeljen na tri aktivnosti, ki sta nadalje razdeljeni v posamezne naloge, predstavljajo pa vsebinsko zaokrožene celote za doseganje ciljev projekta:
- razvoj kazalnikov za merjenje kompetenc odraslih,
- priprava in izpeljava poskusnega in glavnega merjenja kompetenc odraslih,
- analiza stanja na področju kompetenc odraslih in mednarodna primerjava.
ESF projects:
Competences of Adult Education Professionals 2016–2018Survey of Adult skills PIAAC 2013–2015Education and Training for Adult Education Professionals 2011–2014Literacy Development (2011–2014)Education and Training of Adult Education Professionals 2009–2011Literacy Development (2009–2011)e-Portfolio (2016–2022)Validation of Prior Learning of Adults Portal (2016–2022)Guidance for employees 2016–2022Adult Competences Development 2016–2022Competences of adult education professionals 2018–2022Awareness-raising for Lifelong Learning (2023–2028)Strengthening Lifelong Learning (2023–2029)