Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


Overview of Adult Education and Learning on Offer



ActivityOverview of Adult Education and Learning on Offer (Where to Get Knowledge?)
Time periodSince 1992
Financed byMinistry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
ContactErika Brenk
T: 01 584 2570




The aim of annual monitoring and posting of educational offers for adults on the website Overview of Adult Education and Learning on Offer is to inform the general and professional public of available education and training in the field of formal and non-formal education and to promote lifelong learning. The online overview of available adult education is also an essential source of data for informational and guidance activities and analytical and research activities in the field of adult education.



To inform the general and professional public of the available educational offer in Slovenia, to ensure continuous guidance and information on education on offer and to analyse the adult education on offer in Slovenia.



The Overview of Adult Education and Learning on Offer published on the website Where to Get Knowledge? (Kam po znanje) is one of the few informational resources on a national level, presenting the available formal and non-formal adult education programmes for each school year. The website offers the general and professional public information on more than 200 providers of adult education (adult education centres, secondary schools and adult education units, tertiary and higher education schools and faculties, private organisations and schools, educational centres, institutions, associations, third age universities, libraries, museums, galleries and other education providers) and more than 3000 educational and training programmes and other information in the field of adult learning and education.


  • Collaboration with adult education providers;
  • Annual monitoring and posting of adult education on offer;
  • Analysis of the education on offer.



Total indicator: 29 issues of the Overview (in printed version until 1999, later also on CDs and online and only online version since 2002)

Indicators of the Overview of Adult Education and Learning on Offer in 2020/2021:

  • 200 adult education providers
  • 3115 educational programmes.

© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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