Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine

27. 7. 2018


System support


We perform many different tasks outlined below in order to prepare systemic solutions and measures required for the development of different content areas of adult education:

  • we prepare professional groundwork for long-term, medium-term and short-term planning of adult education development;
  • we prepare professional groundwork required for designing legislation in the area of adult education;
  • we participate in many different domestic and international professional associations in order to contribute to the further development and advancement of the adult education system in Slovenia, the EU and globally;
  • we engage in development and research projects, the results of which form the basis for the improvement of various content segment of adult education.

The results of research and development work represent the basis for modifying and upgrading the adult education system and its further systemic and qualitative development. The realisation of the lifelong learning concept is based on a coordinated and connected partnership that plans and develops different development policies for the promotion of adult education.

This is why we monitor the objectives and standards that apply to the introduction of the lifelong learning concept in better developed EU countries. By generating interest in the acquisition or retention of knowledge by the broadest possible circle of the population, we realise the concept of the lifelong character of learning and a faster transition of Slovenia to a knowledge society.

We consider the expert groundwork for the following strategic documents to be our central achievements in the planning of the development of adult education in Slovenia: Resolution on the Master Plan for Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia (ReNPIO) until 2010 and Resolution on the Master Plan for Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia (ReNPIO) for the 2013–2020 Period as well as the expert groundwork in the area of legislation – both for the old (1996) and the new Adult Education Act (2018). We have developed an online application for the concurrent monitoring of the realisation of the ReNPIO whereby the application has replaced classic reporting and simultaneously enables the performance of an in-depth analysis of the data on programmes and activities financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franlin


© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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