Awards for the Promotion of Adult Learning and Knowledge
Activity | Awards for the Promotion of Adult Learning and Knowledge (shorter: SIAE Awards) |
Time period | Since 1997 |
Financed by | Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities |
Contact | Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc T: +386 1 5842 567 E: zvonka.pangerc@acs.si |
The aim of the Awards is to present individuals, groups and organisations who invest a lot into learning and education and thus achieve a lot for the general public as role models, celebrating achievements of adults who change lives through learning and highlighting the advantages of learning.
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We want to encourage participation in learning, as only empowered individuals can change themselves and the world for the better. Learning has an important effect on personal and social life of individuals. It influences their health, employability, the learning ability of their children, their savings at the end of their life and the development of their environment. Through their endeavours, they change themselves, their closest relatives and friends, their neighbourhood, their community and the society in general.
To raise awareness among the largest possible number of citizens of the effects of learning and education on development of individuals and society, increasing the participation of adults in learning and education.
We have been bestowing the Awards as part of the LLW project since 1997. The Awards are divided into three categories (5 awards altogether in the past few years):
- Awards for individuals for special achievements in the category of lifelong learning;
- Awards for groups for special achievements in the category of lifelong learning;
- Awards for institutions, companies or local communities for special professional or promotional achievements and for enrichment of their own knowledge and knowledge of others.
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Since 1999, all the Award winners have been presented with a video portrait. The action is regulated by the Regulations on the SIAE awards http://tvu.acs.si/priznanja/pravilnik.
So far, we have bestowed 208 awards:
- 109 to individuals who reached their desired education, their desired job, developed their creativity and/or helped develop the local community;
- 61 to groups who motivated and developed hidden talents, acquired knowledge of their hobbies and contributed to the quality of a professional field; and
- 38 to institutions/companies/local communities who contributed to development and spreading of a culture of learning.
Every year, we put out a Call for tenders for Awards for promotion of adult learning and knowledge, in the last few years between 15 September and 14 October, to collect proposals for awards. Based on valid proposals, the Awards Committee selects up to ten new winners, usually in December.
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Due to the economic situation, we had to reduce the number of winners to up to 5. In January, we have the first meeting with the winners to interview them and learn their life stories. In March, we film the videos, which are edited in April so that we can present them to the public at the LLW opening ceremony in May. Later, the videos are distributed to all interested parties.
- 208 Awards: http://tvu.acs.si/priznanja/dobitniki
- 184 video portraits of Award winners available on the website
- Inclusion of winner into different SIAE activities.
Other activities:
Learning ExchangeRole Models Attract Multimedia PortalTraining of members of commissions for verification and certification of national vocational qualificationsAwards for the Promotion of Adult Learning and KnowledgeQuality MosaicAnnual Adult Education ConferenceLibraryOverview of Adult Education and Learning on OfferInfO-MosaicSIAE NewsletterAdult Education Colloquium