Literacy Development (2011–2014)
Project | Literacy development and assessment and recognition of non-formal learning 2011–2014 (shorter: Literacy Development (2011 – 2014)) |
Time period | September 2011 – March 2014 |
Project value | 518.300,00 EUR |
Financed by | European Social Fund (85 %) and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (15 %) |
Contact | Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, MA, Project Manager T: +386 1 5842 584 E: tanja.vilic.klenovsek@acs.si |
Contract caretaker | Marko Šiška, MSc, Ministry of Education Science and Sport |
The project Literacy development and assessment and recognition of non-formal learning 2011–2014 was a continuation of activities in the field of literacy development in adults and assessment and recognition of knowledge and experiences acquired in non-formal ways, which we began as part of the project Literacy development and assessment and recognition of non-formal learning 2009–2011.
- To prepare the methodology and descriptors for selected areas of basic skills and key competences;
- To train professionals for implementation of updated programmes for literacy in deprived groups of adults, computer literacy and programmes for young people who leave the school system early;
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- To develop new learning materials to raise the level of literacy;
- To expand implementation of approaches for assessment and recognition of non-formal knowledge and experiences of adults to all adult education networks;
- To develop new tools and approaches for assessment and recognition of non-formal knowledge and experiences of adults; and
- To train professional associates for implementation of processes for assessment and recognition of non-formal knowledge and experiences of adults.
The project is divided into two activities that are further divided into individual tasks but represent a coherent whole aimed at specific project objectives. The first activity, Development of adult literacy 2011–2014, was aimed at development of methodology and preparation of descriptors of basic skills and key competences. The aim of the second activity, Assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in adults 2012–2014, was further development and implementation of models and tools for assessment and recognition of non-formal and informal knowledge and experiences of adults.
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The project was implemented in the scope of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007–2013, the development priority Human Resources Development and Lifelong Learning and the priority orientation Quality and Efficiency Improvement of Educational and Training Systems.
The development priority Human Resources Development and Lifelong Learning underlined the fact that human resource development in modern society is not based only on formal but also on other non-formal types and forms of learning and education. As such, the project paid much attention to creation of new opportunities for inclusion of different groups of adults (especially those who are deprived of inclusion into lifelong learning) into non-formal learning to acquire key competences for inclusion into further education or learning, for successful participation in the job market and for better social inclusion.
The elements of lifelong learning were strengthened by further development and implementation of processes for assessment and recognition of knowledge acquired through non-formal and informal learning in the field of adult education, which opens up new opportunities for further education and training of adults and new opportunities in the job market.
Key achievements of the activity Development of adult literacy 2011–2014 are published here.
The results of the activity Assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in adults 2012–2014 are:
- Document Proposal for systematic inclusion of the model of assessment and recognition of non-formal learning into the adult learning network;
- A booklet presenting the results of this project activity;
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- Final conference entitled Development of basic competences of adults and discovery of hidden knowledge;
- A questionnaire and guidelines for evaluation of the digital literacy competence;
- Professional guidelines and questionnaire for assessment of everyday life competences: Everyday life competences: handbook and online questionnaire;
- Online questionnaire for evaluation of the digital literacy competence;
- Manual Assessment, evaluation and recognition of non-formal and informal knowledge in adults;
- A draft of proposal for systematic inclusion of the model of assessment and recognition of non-formal learning into the adult learning network;
- An advanced training programme for counsellors on how to assess and evaluate non-formal and informal knowledge.
- A basic training programme for counsellors on evaluation at the Lifelong learning centres;
- A training programme for information officers for the evaluation processes at the Lifelong learning centres;
- A strategy for dissemination of results of the project Assessment and recognition of non-formal knowledge in the pilot period 2010–2011;
- Manual for counsellors Assessment, evaluation and development of the career planning competence;
- Online questionnaire for assessment of the “career planning” competence;
- Online portal – Assessment of non-formal knowledge in adults (http://vpnz.acs.si);
- A set of forms for professionals to assess and evaluate non-formal and informal knowledge.
ESF projects:
Competences of Adult Education Professionals 2016–2018Survey of Adult skills PIAAC 2013–2015Education and Training for Adult Education Professionals 2011–2014Literacy Development (2011–2014)Education and Training of Adult Education Professionals 2009–2011Literacy Development (2009–2011)e-Portfolio (2016–2022)Validation of Prior Learning of Adults Portal (2016–2022)Guidance for employees 2016–2022Adult Competences Development 2016–2022Competences of adult education professionals 2018–2022