
Activity | Library |
Časovni okvir | Since 1992 |
Financed by | Ministry of Education, Science and Sport |
Contact | Ana Peklenik T: +386 1 5842 575 E: ana.peklenik@acs.si |
To support the SIAE activities and the broad (professional) public with professional materials and informational resources.
- Collection, processing, storage and sharing of library materials in the field of adult education;
- Promotion of the library among the professional (SIAE, students, associations, study circles, etc.) and general public;
- Supporting all SIAE processes – development, information sharing, promotion, education, quality.
The SIAE hosts a library specialised for the field of adult education, andragogy, pedagogy and related fields. We store publications by the most important Slovenian and foreign experts. More than 10,000 units of material are available to users, including around 9000 books and more than 1000 serial publications. Our archive includes nearly 170 titles of Slovenian and foreign journals and newspapers, more than 60 of which we are also subscribed to.
Collection, processing, storage and sharing of library materials in the field of adult education; creation of bibliographies of employed researchers; keeping records of material.
Continuous professional education, use of modern technologies, monitoring of online professional informational resources, informing the users of new materials and informational resources.
Other activities:
Learning ExchangeRole Models Attract Multimedia PortalTraining of members of commissions for verification and certification of national vocational qualificationsAwards for the Promotion of Adult Learning and KnowledgeQuality MosaicAnnual Adult Education ConferenceLibraryOverview of Adult Education and Learning on OfferInfO-MosaicSIAE NewsletterAdult Education Colloquium