Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine

6. 6. 2018


Training of adult educators


The activity of adult education training is aimed at the professional development of adult educators who perform adult education work or come into contact with adult education in their work. It therefore represents a supplementation or upgrading of formal learning.

The fundamental objectives of this activity include:

  • to provide fundamental adult education training to all those who lack adult education knowledge but require it in their work;
  • to provide knowledge about innovations as well as specialised and in-depth knowledge to adult educators;
  • to support the introduction of innovations in adult education through training;
  • to develop ICT support and learning resources.

We organise and implement various types of training:

  • general basic adult education training – participants acquire and train their adult education knowledge included in the adult education cycle;
  • basic specialist training for specific roles in adult education – participants acquire specialist adult education knowledge allowing them to play special roles in adult education, e.g. head or mentor of study circles, teacher in literacy programmes, counsellor at guidance centres, counsellor and mentor in organised independent learning, adviser in the development of the quality of adult education, etc.;
  • training of adult educators – participants advance their knowledge, reflect on and exchange their practices with others and strengthen their own professional identities.

We have designed the programmes based on the learning-targeted approach that we are gradually upgrading as we keep in step with the development of the profession. We have therefore designed a competence-based scheme for adult educator training. An important element of the training activities at the SIAE is also the development of professional literature and study materials. Numerous professional publications, manuals and analytical studies are publicly available in the Publications section.

You can view our offered programmes in the web based catalogue of training programmes for adult educators.

Do you intend to attend any of the training programmes in the duration of more than 24 pedagogical hours or less? Compete for recognition of your already acquired knowledge.

Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find the other three.


© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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