Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


2. 7. 2024

Habitus sensitive guidance and outreach approaches to increase participation in guidance and education

In February, the concluding event of Habitus Sensitive Guidance and Outreach marked the end of the two-year Erasmus+ ReachOut international project with the full title Reach Out to the ‘Left-Behind’ – Improving Guidance for Working Persons from the Underprivileged Milieu.

In the project, partners from Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovenia focused on the needs of working individuals with less stable forms of employment (e.g., fragmented, precarious, low-paid, marginalised, partly declared) who have limited access to education and educational guidance. We explored how effective outreach, guidance, and motivational approaches could increase interest and participation in adult education and how to support the counsellor’s sensitivity to the habitus of working people from underprivileged milieus.

The project’s results were summarised in three documents (in Slovenian): the National Reports, the Self-Study Manual and the Recommendations for Policymakers.

Read more in the SIAE Newsletter here.

Participants of the event

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Author: Creatim

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