8. 4. 2019
When you get off a tram and find yourself among books…
The study visit, also called PLA is an integral part of the EAAL project implemented in all EU member states. We do not always carry out the same activities, but some things remain the same: our target groups are adults with a low level of education and with poor basic skills. We help the participants obtain these skills through participation and collaboration of various stakeholders on national, and especially local level, since we believe that the lack of those skills extends to all areas of life. The event in the Hague (and Zoetermeer) in the Netherlands on 25 and 26 February, was hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science, which is also in charge of coordinating the implementation process for the EAAL project in that country. The participants were national EAAL coordinators from nearly all EU states.
Read more here.