Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


23. 11. 2020

Guidelines for preparation of publicly verified education programmes for adults

The preparation of the Guidelines for preparation of publicly verified education programmes for adults was envisaged by the new Adult Education Law (ZIO-1) from 2018. It redefined publicly verified programmes for adults, meaning those, which do not grant an officially recognised educational qualification.

The text of the Guidelines contains professional guidelines and steps for the preparation of quality and tailor-made adult education programmes in various fields, such as education, work, agriculture, health, culture, environment, home affairs, etc. The Guidelines are also prepared in order to be useful as a tool for appraisal of the proposals of publicly valid programmes at the Council of Experts for Adult Education. Developers and auditors will be assisted in this by the conditions for the preparation of the programmes and the criteria for the appraisal of the programmes. Also important is the recommendation of developers of Guidelines, that when appropriate they can also be applied by the developers of non-formal education programmes for adults.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports made the printed and online versions (and the translation into English) possible, in order to keep the Guidelines accessible to all and to trigger the development of new and necessary publicly verified programmes for adults.

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© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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