23. 11. 2020
Guidelines for implementing adult education guidance as a public service
According to the Adult Education Act (AEA-1), guidance in adult education is one of the subjects of the public service in the field of adult education. For the implementation of guidance in adult education the, AEA-1 envisaged preparation of guidelines. At the end of 2018, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport appointed a working group for the drawing up of guidelines for implementing adult education guidance as a public service. In 2019 and 2020, the working group prepared guidelines, titled Guidelines for Implementing Adult Education Guidance as a Public Service. On 5 June 2020, the document was adopted by the Expert Council for Adult Education.
Guidelines encompasses three areas of guidance in adult education and they are: enrolment in education and continuation of education, identification and documentation of knowledge and skills, and organised self-directed learning.
The text of this Guidelines specifies the starting points for the definition of guidance in adult education, content, organisation, staff and other conditions for implementation, records and documentation and the evaluation and development of quality.
In defining the content of guidance in adult education, current professional approaches and experience in the development and implementation of guidance for adults in Slovenia were taken into account, in particular the experience of providers of information and guidance in adult education (IGAE centres), the experience of providers of self-directed learning (SDLC) as well as experience in regard to developing and implementing the identification and documentation of knowledge and skills that were gained through formal and non-formal education and in informal learning. European and national strategic and professional guidelines for guidance in adult education were also taken into account.