24. 2. 2022
The events of the Annual Adult Education Conference were multi-faceted
The Slovenian Annual Adult Education Conference 2021 attracted 327 adult learning and education supporters online, who attended the first or second or, in most cases, both days (19 and 20 October) of this traditional professional meeting. On the website of the conference, videos of contributions are available (in Slovenian).
The plenary speaker Dr Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, a climate researcher recognised in the world and Slovenia, an advocate of adequate environmental protection, a co-recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize …, asked herself for all of us how to survive/live on a planet that does not grow. She says that the destiny of the planet is in our hands. The ‘take-do-distribute-use-discard’ mentality does not lead to growth but spirally increases the consumption of natural resources. And although the situation is becoming increasingly urgent, crises are intertwined, and they do not seem to have a beginning or an end, Lučka still believes that changes can be made, points out Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik.
Find out more about the event in the SIAE Newsletter here.