23. 11. 2020
Professional event Developing competences of employees for the development of Slovenia
The event Developing Competences of Employees for the Development of Slovenia was held on 10 July by SIAE colleagues at the initiative of the social partners and stakeholders (representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee, Dare Stojan, the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia, Andrej Zorko and Mediainteracitve, Edvard Sternad) for networking and mutual information on current topics in adult education.
We spoke about the possibilities of developing employee competences offered by the third package of measures under the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate and Remedy the Consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. Special attention was paid to providers of education for acquiring employee competences and guidance support. We discussed how to facilitate the development of education for acquiring competences in the form of e-learning as well as the digital competences themselves.
MOre in the SIAE Newsletter here.