Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


27. 5. 2024

Who are we – adult educators?

What is our professional journey, when are we truly satisfied, and do we feel that our work is meaningful?

The answers are presented through the following personal narratives of adult educators. In the organisations where they work, they perform and act in different roles in ALE:

Their stories reveal that most of them have not received any or only a tiny amount of pedagogic and andragogic education during their studies. Their motives for entering the field of ALE are very different. Many of them started here by chance, but all of them had a sense of working with people and a desire to pass on their knowledge.

Read more in the SIAE Newsletter here.

The cover of the videos

© 2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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