17. 7. 2019
This year’s second issue of Studies in Adult Education and Learning
This issue of Studies in Adult Education and Learning features five contributions that are the result of three years of research carried out by the partners of the Old Guys Say Yes to Community project in four countries. In the editorial Sabina Jelenc Krašovec, Antonio Fragoso and Marta Gregorčič represent the circumstances of the project, partners and methodology. They highlight four topics, which were not given enough attention in an individual project partner country until the project started.
The magazine presents two books. The Old Age by Simone de Beauvoir is, as Dusan Findeisen says, still or again relevant and topical, even though it was published fifty years ago. You can find the e-book here or borrow it via Biblio.
Tadej Košmerl presents the book The Future of Ageing in Europe – Making an asset of longevity (2019). It touches on current topics – demographic changes – and contains contributions generated by the MOPACT project.
The printed form of Studies in Adult Education and Learning is available (also) in the SIAE Library, and all contributions are available online free of charge.