18. 1. 2024
The European Year of Skills has moved into its second half
Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit, whom the EYS national coordinators also met with at the fourth meeting on 29 November in Brussels, is increasingly warning: ‘We need (at least) a decade of skills!’
He believes that European efforts will not stop (and should not be restrained) at the end of EYS, i.e., 8 May 2024. Visibly pleased with the successful progress of the initiative, he appealed to the future European government and us to continue affirming the socio-economic importance of skills and encouraging their continuous enhancement. He mentioned the , which already supports sectoral collaboration and the development of relevant skills – primarily digital and green ones – and could potentially succeed EYS in the future.
Read more in the article written by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik of the SIAE and EYS national coordinator here.