Andragoški center Slovenije


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28. 12. 2020

Skills Summit Slovenia 2020 – Skills strategies for a world in recovery

Slovenia was invited by OECD as a country to host the 3rd Skills Summit as well, and 1st organised virtually.

With content focused on the impacts and changes caused by the sudden global spread of the new coronavirus, this year’s Summit illuminated the megatrends and showed the latest data on its effect on the social and economic situation in OECD Member countries. The participating leaders, ministers and other high representatives agreed that the event was being held at just the right time, i.e. when the whole world is facing the challenges of revitalisation and gathering strength to adapt to new, unpredictable conditions in all periods of people’s lives and work.

The event was presided over by the Slovenian Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Dr Simona Kustec. In her introductory address, she stressed that the event has opened a necessary global dialogue on common ground between all actors, not just government representatives, at all levels. Its aim is to create a new vision of integrated learning, skills development and the strengthening of values to ensure the mental and physical health of a society that includes everyone from the earliest childhood to the silver generation.

More in the SIAE Newsletter Winter 2020 here.

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Author: Creatim

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