16. 2. 2021
New developments in European education policy
“We recently reported about the PLA event, where the national coordinators of the EAAL process from most of the European countries could exchange views on work with specific target groups of adults. At that time, we scheduled our regular autumn meeting, where we would be briefed about the current measures at the EU level. Due to COVID-19, we listened to the European Commission representatives on October 15 via Zoom, each from their own part of the continent.
Chiara Riondino, the new Head of the Vocational Education and Training, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning unit of the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, presented the (revised) European Skills Agenda, which comprises twelve actions. She explained the European Education Area, which is to be achieved by 2025, the updated Digital Education Action Plan and the wider political context that will impact adult education and learning after 2020.” Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, SIAE
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