5. 9. 2018
How the experience of refugees touches our lives … How should educators respond?
The consultation of the Andragogic Association of Slovenia (Andragoško društvo Slovenije – ADS) on 13 February brought together individuals and institutions who work with migrants and refugees as part of their job, on a project basis, as activists or as volunteers. The aim of the event was to arrive at a more detailed definition of the problem, which would allow us to understand it better and perhaps provide the answer to the question of how can the educators contribute to a solution. The data of the UN Refugee Agency (UNCHR) published in the document Global Trends – Forced Displacement in 2016 shows that this problem is still a pressing one.
At the end, we showed a video prepared by the SIAE as part of the EAAL project which shows the opinions and experiences of adult educators who work with immigrants and the Roma people.
Read more here.