Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


13. 5. 2021

Forum on Learning and Education for an Inclusive Multicultural Society

“Learning is also a matter of heart and soul,” said the President of Slovenian Philanthropy Anica Mikuš Kos in the introduction of the online Forum on Learning and Education for an Inclusive Multicultural Society, organised on 20 January 2021 by the SIAESLOGA, a Platform of Non-governmental Organisations for Development, Global Education and Humanitarian Aid and Slovenian Philanthropy.

She emphasised that helping immigrants to learn and integrate into society is “a great lesson in solidarity”.  At the Forum, which took place before Sunday’s International Day of Education and was attended by more than 200 participants, we discussed the intersection of migration and formal, non-formal and informal education to strengthen inclusive multicultural societies.

Programme strand on migrations and challenges of multiculturalism from the adult education point of view took place as a part of the process of Implementation of the EAAL project 2020-2021, coordinated by SIAE in Slovenia. In this strand, we first listened to encouraging messages of the video on the topic of immigrants, which was prepared already in 2017. Following the lecture of the SIAE representative on the topic From the education of immigrants to their social inclusion in society and the environment were the presentations on many activities and projects of three adult education centres, points out Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, SIAE.

More in the SIAE Newsletter here.

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Author: Creatim

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