Andragoški center Slovenije


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18. 11. 2020

EAEA Annual Conference 2020: Slovenian Lifelong Learning Weeks in times of covid-19

What lessons can be drawn from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic? New challenges and opportunities for outreach and access in adult learning during crisis will be discussed at the virtual EAEA Annual Conference on 19 and 20 November 2020.

On the first day of the conference, the focus is on the immediate response to the pandemic and the support adult education providers have provided to their most vulnerable learners. It involves the reflection on what lies ahead. Looking at “Outreach and Access in Times of Crisis and Beyond,” we will hear from Professor Ellen Boeren, a researcher in adult learning participation, and from several adult learning professionals who will share their hands-on experience in outreach and access during a series of interactive workshops. We will discuss digital exclusion, online and hybrid learning festivals, support for self-isolating learners, and more.

In the interactive workshop entitled Are we still a learning community? Festivals of Learning at times of COVID-19 Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik of the SIAE will present our experience with celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Weeks in spite of covid-19 limitations.

© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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