Andragoški center Slovenije


Prekoči do vsebine


4. 8. 2021

Awards for the promotion of learning and knowledge – now and in the future

Since 1997, the SIAE has been giving the Awards for the Promotion of Adult Learning and Knowledge, outstanding achievements in ALE, the implementation of knowledge, and lifelong learning principles. Among the 218 winners there are 114 individuals, 58 groups and 46 institutions. We changed the Rules a few times. In 2019, we received only five proposals for awards, so we decided to renovate the institute of Awards.

Since then, we have discussed this twice with our closest associates, the network of LLW coordinators, and conducted a brief analysis with them. A project as broad as the LLW has real value only if it includes various stakeholders who work together to design, create and implement its elements. Thus, it may not be surprising that all this gathering of opinions has led to several contradictory proposals and strengthened our conviction that it is hard to expect unified, simple solutions with which we will all be satisfied, points out Darijan Novak, SIAE.

More in the article in the SIAE Newsletter here.

© 2025 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. All rights reserved.

Author: Creatim

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